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    One of the maxims that R Y M Engineering College guarantees for its students is “Learning is a Celebration!” 

    Learning can be stimulated in several ways, the least practised of which is through the inculcation of the ‘spirit of enquiry’. To institutionalise this principle of learning, RYMEC has devoted itself to providing extensive opportunities for staff and students to pursue research and development activities.

    RYME College’s commitment to advanced research in the areas of science, engineering and technology has nurtured 6 centres of excellence. Every department is encouraged to have at least one such centre.

    The centres focus primarily on applied research, product development, learning-resources development and industrial training. All these centres have in place advanced equipment and current technology. 

    There is a strong tendency towards inter-discipline research, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence, Image Processing, Energy Efficient Buildings, Computational Fluid Dynamics, robotics, automation etc that generates new ideas and promotes the development of innovative products and processes. 

    Both the faculty and students alike contribute to the research, development and innovation at RYMEC.

    Contact Address

    Cantonment, Ballari 583104, Karnataka
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